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Phillyfunperks - Perks Submission Form

Thank you for participating in the Phase 1 Launch of Phillyfunperks! Below you will find the submission form for Phillyfunperks “perks” (rewards). Users can use their Phillyfunperks points (earned by such incentive actions as buying Funsavers tickets, tweeting offers, and sharing events on Facebook) to redeem for your perks!

This form is to collect information on the perks you will make available to Phillyfunperks users. We will be sourcing your incentives closer to launch.

Organization Contact Info (for public display)
Submitter Info (for Cultural Alliance use)
Unique Experience Perk
You are required to offer 1 Unique Experience Perk. Unique Experience Perks go beyond just giving away free tickets. For example, your Unique Experience might include a backstage tour, dinner for two, or gift shop discounts!
This image will be displayed as the perk event card thumbnail. Images without text work best. 150 x 150 pix, max 150 KB, .jpg or .gif
Files must be less than 150 KB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg.
This image will be displayed on the perk event card. Images without text work best. 500 x 500 pix, max 300 KB, .jpg or .gif
Files must be less than 300 KB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg.
Unique Experience Perk Redemption Contact Info
Please note that your organization is responsible for handling redemption of Unique Experience Perks. The Redemption Contact will be notified by Phillyfunperks when a user redeems their points for your perk, and will then be responsible for ensuring fulfillment. Perks can be fulfilled by emailing a voucher (recommended), mailing tickets or vouchers, holding them at the box office, or supplying a promo code.