Breakfast Club: 2011 Portfolio - Oct. 12

October 12, 2011 - 5:00am

Whether you work in marketing, programming, development, or education…whether you're an executive director or an emerging leader…there's something for you at our next Breakfast Club.  We'll be reading and discussing the Cultural Alliance’s newest publication; the 2011 Portfolio.

There’s something in it for everybody, whether you saw our presentation at the Annual Meeting or are looking at the material for the first time.

With 405 organizations included, 2011 Portfolio is one of the most in-depth studies of its kind. The report interprets a wide range of data including revenue, employment, attendance, fundraising and expenses. This publication also, for the first time, examines the impact of the recession on the region’s cultural sector, examining trend data from FY07 through FY09 from 276 organizations.

Join us as we delve deeper into the 2011 Portfolio and take a closer look at the data beyond the key findings, its implications and resulting action steps.

The 2011 Portfolio was made possible by the Pew Charitable Trusts, PNC, and the William Penn Foundation.  Additional support was provided by the Dolfinger-McMahon Foundation.

Breakfast Clubs are supported by The Wallace Foundation and The Philadelphia Foundation and are a program of the Cultural Alliance's research and marketing initiative Engage 2020. Engage 2020 is sponsored by a lead grant from The Pew Charitable Trusts, with additional support from The Wallace Foundation and The Philadelphia Foundation.

Event Details

October 12, 2011 - 5:00am

Registration Information

Event Fee:
$15 Members, $30 Non Members
Contact Name: 
Melissa Cooper
Contact Phone: 
(215) 399-3524