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So You Know It; Now Can You Teach It?: Interactive Teaching Tips for the Content Expert

February 19, 2014 - 6:00pm

Are you new to teaching? Do you know your stuff but aren’t sure how to teach it in an engaging, interactive, effective way? Come learn and practice some concrete tools and tricks (that can be applied to any content) for use in your classroom. Your students will thank you!

This workshop is geared towards grad students and instructors who teach college and adult students in a variety of settings.

Event Details

February 19, 2014 - 6:00pm
February 19, 2014 - 8:30pm

Registration Information

Special Registration Instructions: 

Registration on our webpage:

Event Fee:
$20 in advance; $25-30 sliding scale at the door; $15 for students (with ID) and Blue Door Train-the-Trainer alumni. Pizza will be provided.
Email Registration: 
Contact Name: 
Susanna Gilbertson