2009 Nonprofit Human Resources Conference

October 4, 2009 - 11:00am

As the nation’s only human resources conference dedicated exclusively to meeting the educational and professional development needs of nonprofit human resources executives and practitioners, the 2009 Nonprofit Human Resources Conference offers attendees nonprofit specific education and outstanding networking opportunities designed to help mission-driven organizations more effectively carry out their visions and goals.

As the nation’s only human resources conference dedicated exclusively to meeting the educational and professional development needs of nonprofit human resources executives and practitioners, the 2009 Nonprofit Human Resources Conference offers attendees nonprofit specific education and outstanding networking opportunities designed to help mission-driven organizations more effectively carry out their visions and goals.

Given the current state of the nation’s economy and its impact on nonprofit organizations of all sizes, we have specifically designed this conference to not only be timely and relevant but also to add tangible, measurable value. By participating in this critically important national convening, human resources leaders, researchers, consultants and capacity builders have the opportunity to:

  • Attend over 24 timely and relevant concurrent sessions covering 4 tracks including HR Strategy, Workplace Culture, Total Rewards and Talent Management
  • Hear 4 dynamic keynote presentations from nationally recognized nonprofit leaders such as DC Central Kitchen’s CEO Robert Egger, Girls, Inc.’s National Director of Human Resources, Robin Robin, Civic Ventures President & CEO, John Gomperts and Public Allies President & CEO, Paul Schmitz.
  • Participate in 6 networking sessions including a welcome reception, special networking roundtable sessions by organization type, and an entertaining Night on the Town with colleagues from across the nonprofit sector and the nation

The theme for this year’s conference is “Leveraging HR for Organizational Effectiveness.” By strengthening the human resources function of every organization represented at the conference, we will leverage our collective strength as a sector to, through staff and leadership, carry out our many and diverse missions within the communities that we serve.

We are confident that you will come away from this conference with tools and information that you need to better understand and perform in your role as a human resources leader.

Event Details

October 4, 2009 - 11:00am

Registration Information

Event Fee:
Contact Name: 
Nonprofit HR Solutions
Contact Phone: 
(202) 785-2060