Job Bank

Looking to work in a creative environment that gives back to its community and transforms lives? Looking for the perfect candidate to join your team? You're in the right place. Connect the passion in your life with your career.

The Job Bank is our region's resource of job opportunities in the arts and culture industry. You'll find creative and administrative jobs at all professional levels that will help you grow your career. You’ll find opportunities at museums, theaters, historic sites, art galleries, dance organizations, community centers and much, much more.

Want to connect to candidates today? 30-day job listings are free for Cultural Alliance Members, $95 for Nonprofit Non-Members and $165 for For-Profit Non-Members. Post your job today! To enjoy the benefit of free posting, among many others, consider becoming a member today!

As part of the Cultural Alliance’s ongoing commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, the Job Bank now requires salary and hourly rate information in job postings to benefit both employees and employers. Any posts without clear compensation information will be temporarily pulled from the site until that information is added. Publishing salaries also provides transparency about a position’s value to an organization, regardless of an applicant’s identity and means. Through this transparency, job seekers can better assess an opportunity before investing their time and effort into pursuing it. Employers benefit from expediting the hiring process, receiving over 30% more applications from stronger candidates who are also likely to be more informed. This paves the way for stronger communication between employers and employees from the start. You can find more resources for making your hiring process equitable on our  Job Bank Guide & Template and Equitable Hiring Resource Bank.

View the Job Bank FAQ here for the answers to many questions or our video tutorial for tips and tricks to posting your job!

Intro Slide for a Job Bank Tutorial video. Text reads: Job Bank Tutorial Tips & tricks for posting your job opportunities on the Job Bank. There is an image of Rodin's The Thinker statue, and next to that it says, "Consider a New Career in the Arts"       
Click the image above to view the tutorial on YouTube

If you have any questions about posting to the Job Bank, send an email to with "Job Bank" in the subject line, or call 215-557-7811 and dial "0". Please note that questions from job seekers will be directed to the organization that has posted the job. The Cultural Alliance is not affiliated with the hiring process for organizations posting positions on the Job Bank.


Communications and Partnership Manager

Lehigh University

The position will be responsible for managing and supporting outreach, communication, and partnered programs for the Department of Art, Architecture and Design, both internally within the university and with external constituents including prospective students, alumni, media outlets, and the range of community, corporate, industry, and foundation partners with which the department is engaged. By expanding and strengthening the department's network of external relationships, the position will also be responsible for developing and managing internship programs and placements for current and graduating students of the department, to improve overall student outcomes. Reporting to the Department Chairperson, the position will involve regular travel off campus, and will oversee wage and work study students that support the role and scope of the position. The Lehigh community takes seriously our commitment to antiracism and The Principles of our Equitable Community. This is a two year term position.


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